Monday, 31 May 2010

Level Spirit Horizon and a Melody at Sea

The world is what makes my wheels go round
Me (on a bicycle today) and probably countless others - I won't 'google' it tonight.

They all got more friends than they can use
Except me ‘cause I’m a fool
I’m simple as a bee
As a melody in C
But it don’t matter
There are more wishes than stars
Paul Simon's son and Ben Okri (

So now you can see where half of my post's title comes from...

  • I did mistake those lyrics for 'a melody at sea' (which I thought to be almost as appropriate!)
...Horizon Spirit Level - Leave your suggestion (or an image!) if you think you can describe it - what or where it is.

  1. I've already 'googled' that one by the way, but not very thoroughly.

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